A complete set of all the 2024 ToneX captures!
$382 individual purchase value.
Total pedal cost over $11,700!
All packs are captured using ADVANCED Training settings. This is done to ensure the most accurate representation of the pedal is captured.
- Each preset is noted by a number that specifies it's given level. I.E. preset marked "G1" will be low gain; "G3" will be higher gain. The recommended Input Trim is +12dB - +15dB.
Pack includes an exclusive pedal only released in the 2024 capture pack.
Pack Includes the following 50 pedal capture sets, over 325 unique captures:
1981 Inventions DRV
Analogman King of Tone
Benson Preamp
Boss DS-1
Browne Protein
Castledine Magical Mystery Box
Cornish NG2
Cornish SS-3
Electro-Harmonix Muff Overdrive
Electro-Harmonix Crayon
Electro-Harmonix Rams Head Big Muff
Electro-Harmonix Trinagle Big Muff
Electro-Harmonix Soul Food
Electro-Harmonix Green Russian Muff
Electro-Harmonix Black Russian Muff
Emerson Em-Drive
EQD Plumes
EQD Special Cranker
Full Tone OCD
Full Tone Full-Drive 2
Funny Little Boxes 1991
Garage Tone Drivetrain
Greer Lightspeed
Hudson Broadcast
Ibanez TS808
Ibanes TS9
JAM Eureka!
Jext Telez White Distortion
Jext Telez Buzz Tone
JHS Morning Glory
Keeley Red Dirt Mini
Kingtone Duellist
Lovepedal Kanji 9
Mesa V-Twin
MXR Timmy
Nobels ODR-1
Nobels ODR Mini
Nordland ODR-C
Paul Trombetta Mini-Bone
ProCo Rat
Shift Line Twin Tube Preamp
Shin's Music Dumbloid
Spaceman Titan II
Thorpy Fallout Cloud
Vemuram Karen
Vemuram Jan Ray
Vemuram Gales
Wampler Black '65
Wampler Belle
Wampler Tumnus
Exclusive Pedals:
DPE Chromosome
2024 Capture Pack - ToneX
Gain -
ToneX can make adjustments to the Gain settings, however you may notice some changes in the overall "fullness" of the preset.
EQ -
one settings are usually not included as the ToneX can match almost every tweaked setting from basic tone controls. Tone changes that create drastic changes will be noted in the preset title.
Pedal Captures -
These are captures of Boost/Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz pedals only, not of an actual amp. These are not designed to run as an amp at the end of the signal chain, but used as a traditional pedal before the amp. These captures give an EXTREMELY economical option to test and have some pedals that cost us upwards of $1,000.
Presets -
It is recommended to run ToneX Input Trim between +10dB & +15dB. This will give the truest representation of the gain structure captured.
Firmware & Software -
It is good practice to ensure your firmware & software is up to date from the most recent version across all ToneX devices.